In the Genbukan Tenmei Dojo USA, the below Terminology, Phrases, and Vocabulary will be used. Below are some of the commonly used Phases and Terminology.
Terminology & Phrases
- Mokuso: meaning is to "Meditate"
- Mokuso Yame: meaning is to "Stop Meditating"
- Shikin Haramitsu Daikoumyo: meaning is "Powerful Light of Wisdom"
- Sougo ni rei: "Bow to the class" This is a bow to show your appreciation of everybody who is training.
- Shisei o tadashite sensei ni rei: "Present yourselves to the teacher, bow".
- Onegaishimasu: "Please teach me"
- Arigato gozaimasu: "Thank you" (for present / future tense)
- Ote yawarakani: "Be gentle with my hands" Used in some martial art school bows. These are martial artists words used when preparing for a fight.
- Yoshi: "Let’s go!" Used in some martial art school bows bows.
- Kamae / Kamaete: "Order to take your stance" / "Order to take your stance – more polite"
- Hajime: "Start"
- Yame: "Stop"
- Mate: "Wait"
- Ei, Ya, To (kiai): Shouts to focus energy/chi. “Ei” and “Ya-“ are usually used when attacking. “To-“ is normally used when defending or receiving, for example when blocking. The kiai should come from your hara, not your chest. Made by constricting your lower stomach muscles quickly to expel air.
- Ohayo Gozaimasu: "Good Morning" – said to other students when entering the dojo in the morning
- Kon Nichiwa: "Good Afternoon" – said to other students when entering the dojo in the afternoon.
- Kon Banwa: "Good evening" – said to other students when entering the dojo in the evening.
- Shitsurei Shimasu: "Excuse me for doing a rude thing" For example, if you stepped on someone’s toes, you would say this.
- Sumimasen: "Excuse Me" For example if you wanted to ask a question, you might say, “sumimasen, could you show me this technique?”
- Hai: "Yes"
- Hai Sensei: "Yes Teacher"
- Hai Senpai: "Yes senior student" Senpai is the name used for senior students.
- Hai Shihan: "Yes master" Shihan is a title awarded to very high-ranking individuals who have passed a specific test.
- Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, ku, jyu: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
- Kihon: "Basic"
- Henka: "Variation"
- Migi: "Right"
- Hidari: "Left"
- Mae: "Front"
- Yoko: "Side"
- Ushiro: "Behind"
- Migimae: "Right and forward"
- Migiushiro: "Right and behind"
- Hidarimae: "Left and forward"
- Hidariushiro: "Left and behind"
- Sayu: "Left and right"
- Bujutsu:"Martial art/Martial art techniques"
- Bugei: "Martial art/the art of martial"
- Ryuha: "Traditional schools of martial arts"
- Ninpo: "Way of Ninjutsu"
- Ninjutsu: "Ninja’s/Shinobi’s techniques"
- Ju-jutsu: "Unarmed techniques"
- Dakentaijutsu: "Striking techniques"
- Koppo-jutsu: "Bone techniques"
- Koshijutsu: "Finger bone techniques"
- Bo-jutsu: "Staff techniques"
- Kenjutsu: "Sword techniques"
- Bikenjutsu: "Secret sword techniques"
- Naginata: "Halberd"
- Yari: "Spear"
- Yumi: "Bow"
- Shuriken: "Hand thrown blades"
- Kusarigama: "Sickle and chain"
- Tanto: "Dagger / short sword"
- Bokken: "Wooden sword"
- Hanbo: "Half staff"
- Rokushakubo: "Six foot staff"
- Sanjyakubo: "Three foot staff"
- Koryu karate: "Traditional Karate"
- Chu-goku kenpo: "Chinese martial arts"
- Hakkesho: "Ba Gua of Chinese martial arts"
- Budoka: "Martial Artist"
- Jodan no kamae: "Upper level stance"
- Chudan no kamae: "Middle level stance"
- Gedan no kamae: "Lower level stance"
- Daijodan no kamae: "Great Upper Level Stance (A sword stance)"
- Hasso no kamae: "Eight Phases Stance (A sword stance)"
- Tenchijin no kamae: "Heaven, earth, and man (A bo stance)"
- Hira ichimonji no kamae: "Flat straight line Stance (A bo stance)"
- Yoko ichimonji no kamae: "Side flat straight line Stance (A bo stance)"
- Ihen no kamae: "Deceiving change Stance (A bo stance)"
- Seigan no kamae :"Eye threatening Stance (A sword stance)"
- Katate Ichimonji no kamae: "One hand straight line Stance (Basic taijutsu stance)"
- Jumonji no kamae: " Tenth character Stance (Basic taijutsu stance)"
- Hoko no kamae: "Hold and surround with arms (Basic taijutsu stance)"